Saturday, February 4, 2012

Iranian Entertainment: Cardboard cutout Ayatollah Khomeini tours Tehran

Iranian government officials are either playing dumb to entice the United States into war or they are actually dumb.  Their detachment from reality is another reason why we cannot trust them with a nuclear weapon.
Last week, Iranian leaders celebrated the 33rd Anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini's return from exile by ordering soldiers to reenact the Ayatollah's arrival at Tehran's airport with a life-size cardboard cutout of the stern Ayatollah. There are pictures of honor guard soldiers saluting this cardboard on the official Iranian news site  After departing the plane, Iranian officials paraded a picture of the Ayatollah around in a vintage red Chevrolet. (It's comforting to know they still use American cars for official functions.)  The absurdity of this public relations fiasco was not lost upon ordinary Iranians who reportedly mocked this charade.
On a frightening note, Iranian government officials think that a U.S.-Iranian War would be bad, for the Untied States.  They claim to have the upper hand if conflict would break out.
"You see every now and then in this way they say that all options are on the table. That means even the option of war," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said during Friday prayers in Tehran. "This is how they make these threats against us.  Well, these kinds of threats are detrimental to the U.S.," he said. "The war itself will be 10 times as detrimental to the U.S."
The United States spends about 100 times the amount of money Iran does on their military.  There is no comparison between the American and Iranian armed forces (even if we include the Revolutionary Guard), and in any conflict, American forces would seriously disable, if not eradicate, Iran's war-making capabilities.
The Iranian leaders entrenchment in their alternate reality provides a convincing reason why the world cannot trust them with nuclear weapon capabilities.  They must have been drinking with Rick Perry again...

1 comment:

  1. LOL...I thought this was "Photoshop Gone Wild" until I saw the photo on the Iranian website. You are right. It is beyond frightening to imagine a country with leadership that sanctions this infantile PR exercise with nukes.
